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Speedtest Tracker

RackNerd Hosting Deals

Deployment of Speedtest Tracker

This section guides you through the setup of Speedtest Tracker using Docker Compose. Speedtest Tracker runs scheduled speed tests and provides a web-based interface to view the results.


Offical Docs - Speedtest Tracker Documentation

Docker Compose Configuration

Here's the Docker Compose file necessary for deploying the Speedtest Tracker service. Save this configuration as docker-compose.yml in your project directory.

version: '3.8'
    container_name: speedtest-tracker
      - '8072:80'   # Maps port 80 inside the container to port 8072 on the host for HTTP access.
      - '8472:443'  # Maps port 443 inside the container to port 8472 on the host for HTTPS access.
      - PUID=1000  # Sets the user ID the service will run as.
      - PGID=1000  # Sets the group ID the service will run as.
      - APP_KEY=base64:s5xs13....  # Application key for Laravel framework security. Generate a App Key here -
      - APP_URL=https://speedtest.yoursite/  # Public URL where the Speedtest Tracker will be accessible.
      - DB_CONNECTION=sqlite  # Uses SQLite as the database.
      - SPEEDTEST_SCHEDULE="0 */3 * * *"  # Cron schedule, runs every 3 hours.
      - DISPLAY_TIMEZONE=Pacific/Auckland  # Sets the timezone for displaying data in the UI.
      - ./data:/config  # Mounts the directory for persistent data.
      - ./ssl-keys:/config/keys  # Mounts the directory for SSL keys.
    restart: unless-stopped  # Ensures the container restarts unless it is explicitly stopped.

Deployment Instructions

  1. Prepare the Environment: Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your host machine.

  2. Create a Docker Compose File: Create a new file named docker-compose.yml and copy the above content into this file.

  3. Prepare Data and SSL Directories: Create the data and ssl-keys directories in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml. This ensures proper permissions and data persistence.

  4. Start the Container: Navigate to the directory containing your docker-compose.yml and run the following command to start Speedtest Tracker:

    docker compose up -d
    This command will start the Speedtest Tracker in detached mode, allowing it to run in the background.

  5. Access the Web Interface: Once the container is running, access the Speedtest Tracker web interface by navigating to http://localhost:8072 or https://localhost:8472 depending on your setup.

default login
Username: [email protected]
Password: password

Additional Notes

  • Make sure the ports in the docker-compose.yml do not conflict with other services on your host.
  • Adjust the SPEEDTEST_SCHEDULE environment variable to change the frequency of speed tests as needed.

If there is an issue with this guide or you wish to suggest changes, please raise an issue on GitHub.