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Deploying Nexterm with Docker Compose

Introduction to Nexterm

Nexterm is an open-source server management software designed for handling SSH, VNC, and RDP connections. It provides a unified platform to manage remote connections securely and efficiently. This guide details how to deploy Nexterm using Docker Compose.

Docker Compose Configuration for Nexterm

Below is the Docker Compose file used to deploy Nexterm, with an explanation of the components.

Docker Compose File (docker-compose.yml)

    image: germannewsmaker/nexterm:1.0.1-OPEN-PREVIEW # Specifies the Docker image for Nexterm.
      - "6989:6989"                                   # Exposes port 6989 for accessing Nexterm's interface.
    restart: always                                   # Ensures the container restarts automatically if stopped.
      - nexterm:/app/data                             # Stores Nexterm's data persistently.

  nexterm:                                             # Declares a named volume for data persistence.

Explanation of Key Components

  • Image: Specifies the Docker image germannewsmaker/nexterm:1.0.1-OPEN-PREVIEW, which is the preview version of Nexterm.
  • Ports: Maps port 6989 on the host to port 6989 inside the container, allowing access to Nexterm via http://<your-server-ip>:6989.
  • Volumes: A named volume nexterm:/app/data is used to persist data. This volume ensures that configuration and data are retained across container restarts.
  • Restart: Configured to always so the container will automatically restart in case of failures.

Preparing for Deployment

Before deploying Nexterm, ensure that Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system. No special preparation is required for directories since the named volume nexterm will be managed by Docker.


To deploy Nexterm, navigate to the directory where your docker-compose.yml file is located and run:

docker compose up -d

This command will start the Nexterm service in detached mode, running it in the background.

Accessing Nexterm

After deployment, you can access the Nexterm interface by navigating to:


From here, you can manage your SSH, VNC, and RDP connections using Nexterm's unified interface.


Nexterm is an excellent solution for managing multiple remote connection protocols (SSH, VNC, RDP) in one place. By following this guide, you can deploy Nexterm using Docker Compose and ensure that your configuration and data are stored persistently using Docker volumes.