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Setting Up Linkstack with Docker Compose

Introduction to Linkstack

Linkstack is a web application that provides a user-friendly platform for managing and organizing web links. It is designed for ease of use and convenience in storing a collection of links.

Docker Compose Configuration for Linkstack

This Docker Compose setup deploys Linkstack in a Docker container, offering a dedicated environment for link management.

Docker Compose File (docker-compose.yml)

version: '3.8'

    image: linkstackorg/linkstack
    container_name: linkstack
    hostname: linkstack
      SERVER_ADMIN: "[email protected]"
      TZ: "Pacific/Auckland"
      PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT: "512M"
      - "8099:80"
      - "8443:443"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "linkstack:/htdocs"

Key Components of the Configuration

Service: Linkstack

  • Image: linkstackorg/linkstack is the Docker image used for Linkstack.
  • Environment Variables:
  • SERVER_ADMIN: Email address of the server administrator.
  • TZ: Timezone set to "Pacific/Auckland".
  • PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT: PHP memory limit set to "512M".
  • UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE: Maximum file upload size set to "8M".
  • HTTP_SERVER_NAME and HTTPS_SERVER_NAME are commented out and can be set as needed.
  • Ports:
  • 8099:80 maps HTTP traffic from port 8099 on the host to port 80 in the container.
  • 8443:443 maps HTTPS traffic from port 8443 on the host to port 443 in the container.
  • Volumes:
  • linkstack:/htdocs provides persistent storage for Linkstack's data.
  • Restart Policy: unless-stopped ensures that Linkstack restarts automatically unless explicitly stopped.

Deploying Linkstack

  1. Save the Docker Compose configuration in a docker-compose.yml file.
  2. Run docker compose up -d to start Linkstack in detached mode.
  3. Access Linkstack's web interface via http://<host-ip>:8099.

Configuring and Using Linkstack

After deployment, configure Linkstack through its web interface to start organizing and managing your web links.

Youtube Video

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